Bill, Hillary, & Chelsea Clinton Foundation

Bill, Hillary, & Chelsea Clinton Foundation

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Clinton emerges from the sidelines

“I think he’s fashioning a postpresidency that is quite extraordinary and might turn out to be as much of a legacy as his presidency,’’ Berger said.


  1. “I think he’s fashioning a postpresidency that is quite extraordinary and might turn out to be as much of a legacy as his presidency,’’ Berger said.

    I could not agree more, President Clinton's legacy will be rich and America is better off for it. Of course, it will not be without controversy, but I believe the good will overcome the bad.
    While I am proud that this article came from (I am from Massachusetts), I am bewildered by readers comments. There is a vague hatred which boarders on bigotry against him. They post negative and hateful comments without the courtesy of giving facts. Hatred without facts to back it up is dangerous, a cancer upon society which blinds people to the good President Clinton has done. Think about it, the 90's started with a recession and he turned it around, giving us a boom time we all enjoyed. Thankyou, President Clinton, for all the good you've done in the world.

  2. so many media stories are negative about the clintons. that is why i started the blog to promote his good work
